Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Starting new job on Monday

Last Thursday, I was offered a new job, which I accepted enthusiastically. I start on Monday and I am very excited, not only to be working, but in this particular position. I will be doing some things that I believe really play to my strengths and interests. I am being circumspect right now about the position and the company only because I’d like to get a few weeks of work under my belt before saying more.

I will say, though, that the last 8 months have been very challenging and yet also fulfilling. When this whole journey started, I was very concerned about not only finding a new job, but not getting disappointed or depressed. For the most part, I did not succumb to feeling down, although it would happen every once in a while. I guess I just knew that I would get a job, that it might take some time, and that eventually everything would work out. It did, in a wonderful way. The timing for the interviews, the timing for hearing about getting the job allowed me to be able to keep working on my project, train for the Goofy Challenge and have a vacation at Disney World, and also enjoy the holidays.

This blog was started to note the process of getting through a difficult time, finding a job, raising a son, and generally continuing to grow personally. Since at least two of those objectives are on-going, so will the blog. I’m going to continue to fumble through my forties. You’re welcome to join me!

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