Saturday, April 25, 2009

Still running, too

I ran the Get in Gear 10k this morning. I’m training for a half-marathon at the end of May, so the distance wasn’t taxing by any stretch of the imagination, but a race always gets me running a bit harder than training. That is the point, I know, but I’m surprisingly a bit more tired than I thought I’d be after only 6.2 miles. I do know I have to eat better because I’ve gained about 6-7 lbs since I started my new job. The temptation of eating the cafeteria’s food (and, yes, it’s pretty good) is overwhelming some days, even when I bring a lunch. We have also not been eating the best at home, as I often get home after my wife and it can get late before dinner’s ready. I don’t do well eating later and I’ve been rationalizing a fair amount of junk food lately. For a few years now I have said that I will eat better and lose weight before the Disney marathon, but it doesn’t seem to work. I need better ideas on how to stick to better eating habits.

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