Monday, August 30, 2010

Doing better with portions, but still...

Over at my other blog, The Mouse and More, I just posted an entry about why I run. I thought I'd do the same thing here about why I became vegan, but I explain it somewhat at the other site. If interested, feel free to read it. I'll wait.

Ok, so, instead, what I thought I'd do with this entry is briefly describe how I'm trying to restart the weight loss I'd experienced earlier this year as I became vegan. I've cut down on the vegan junk food (yes, as far as I can tell, there is such a thing - at least there's no animal-based products in what I was eating). For example, coconut milk frozen dessert is yummy, but if you eat most of a pint, with a crapton of blueberries and cashews on top of it, that's not necessarily a good thing, weight loss or health-wise. Neither is doing that every night. That's not what a treat should be. Once a week or so, that's a treat.

Vegan burritos nuked and covered in salsa three or four times a week isn't necessarily "bad", but without anything else on the plate, especially anything in the vegetable family (salsa from a jar doesn't really count) is less than optimal in my mind. Now the last couple of months have been tough with some extended family issues, but still, a salad is just as easy as a burrito. Change is coming as I get back into the cooking habit again. I've come to enjoy cooking again and even though I'm still making two or three different meals each night (depending on if my wife and son each the same thing), I'm learning how to prep ingredients quicker, how to combine things for different meals and how to finish off a dish with a different twist each time. I've moved beyond relying on tofu so much, too. Seitan is great and very versatile. I've done a little with tempeh and plan to do more as we get to the time of the year for comfort food (at here in Minnesota when it getting chillier).

So, I'm doing much better about what I'm eating (still all vegan) and how much (the bigger issue) and hopefully, I can reach my weight loss goals and be a better and healthier runner.

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